Frequently Asked

How Will My Meat Be Delivered?

Your meat will be delivered to your home in an esky. Inside the esky will be ice packs keeping your meat in perfect condition until you put it in your fridge.

How Much is The Delivery Fee?

The delivery fee is only $9. Remember, by ordering in bulk you will generally be saving more than that... and... also having the convenience of it being delivered to your home saves you time.

Is there A Minimum Order?

No. You can order whatever you want.

Why Should I Buy Meat From You?

Well, you don’t have to, but all I can say is you will probably be eating more tender, flavoursome meat than you are used to. This is because you’ll only receive MSA Graded Beef that has been aged for an optimal amount of time. And not only that...but you will also find you are generally paying less for your meat overall.

Why Is Ageing Meat Important?

The longer you age red meat the better it becomes. Unfortunately, most meat you buy nowadays isn’t aged for anywhere near long enough.

Why Are Your Prices So Good?

Firstly, because we are a home delivery business, we have less overheads. We don’t have a shop for the public to come to, or lots of employees... and we pass those savings on to you. And secondly, we sell to you in bulk which means we save money on handling and processing…meaning you save too.

I Don't Want To Cut Up Big Pieces of Meat. Can You Do This for Me?

Yes, we also offer a Trimmed, Sliced and Vacuum Packed option. If you choose this option your meat will be trimmed, sliced into steaks and vacuum packed with roughly 4 to 6 pieces to one vacuum sealed bag. This option will cost a little bit more because of the extra work required but I think you will find the price you ultimately pay super competitive.

I Don’t Think I Have Enough Freezer Space

A lot of people tell me they don’t have enough freezer space to store the meat. Some of those people over-estimate the space they’ll need. For instance, a 2 kilogram piece of eye fillet will not take up much room at all. Particularly if you eat half of it when you first cut it up as a four or five member family might.

Why Are You Giving Away A ‘Granton’ Knife (valued at $54.00) and a DVD (valued at $9.95)?

Firstly, I want to make sure that you have a great knife to slice up the meat you buy from me.
Secondly, I wanted you to see how a qualified butcher cuts up different cuts of meat so you can see how easy it is.
And thirdly, I believe once you become a customer you will be so happy with the quality of meat you are getting and the savings you are making that you will continue to buy your meat from The Monthly Meat Club...meaning that my investment in you will pay for itself.

What’s The Catch?

There is no catch. I believe that once you try what I have to offer you’ll come back and buy more. And that’s the risk I’m taking. If you don’t buy from me again that’s my fault, not yours.